Resident takes on Ekurhuleni

This is a call out to all residents who have been getting poor service and assistance in spite of having extremely high billing and as a consumer it is unacceptable, we have rights..

This is a call out to all residents who have been getting poor service and assistance in spite of having extremely high billing and as a consumer it is unacceptable, we have rights.

I would like to ask all who have been affected by this to join me in approaching the Ombudsman, as no matter how many times a person complains, the Ekhurhuleni metro turns its back on you.

High bills for no service, no explanations, no proper investigation – all we must do is pay or they cut you off.

We are currently running on a generator and due to this all our appliances are blown. If we all stand together and submit a letter of complaint maybe we can get the assistance we deserve.

Poor service, but yet you have to pay up or your power gets cut – this is nonsense. People are losing their homes due to high electricity and water bills.

I am asking all those who are going through the same to please contact me.

Carol, 079 447 6900.

The RECORD has contacted the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality and we are awaiting their comment. We will keep readers updated.


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