
Words are not enough to say thank you

A thank you from the Da Costa family.

Our son, Antonio da Costa, was in a motorcycle accident on Friday, March 18. A motorist crashed into him on his way back from school in Alberante, corner of Leipoldt and Opperman streets.

He broke both his femurs and was in excruciating pain.

Please extend our thanks to the Netcare Ambulance service and members of the Alberante community.

To Jolene who called the ambulance and took care of my son immediately after the crash, I donā€™t know how to thank you.

Also Deidre and all the other bystanders who were so good to us and supported us on the scene, from bringing Rescue Remedy to just hugging us. Also for following up with kind messages after his three-hour operation – thank you, and apologies for not remembering all the names.

To the Netcare paramedics, we salute you. You were so kind to us and were wonderful with my son. I believe Andries and Phillip even went to visit him in hospital. Thank you for your excellent service to the public! Also, I would like to thank Esmari Kruger, another paramedic who comes to check on our son every day.

Thank you to the Union ICU staff who took such good care of him.

Thank you to all the family and friends who came to cheer him up, thank you!To the twins, Kuan and Dillon Preston, you guys are the greatest. Antonio is blessed with wonderful people in his life.

Da Costa family

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