Children think they are above the law

I just read your article about bullying and I have a few years of experience with schools in the South.

ALBERTON – I have been lucky so far that no blood was ever shed, but a great deal of bullying took place. When my daughter was in primary school, there was a child in her class, whom I “diagnosed” as having Turret syndrome. I share this just so that you know how he acted on a daily basis and no, I am not a doctor, and yes, after my “diagnoses” a doctor did diagnose him with Turrets.

This child was very disruptive, verbally abusive with violent temper tantrums, to children and teacher alike, every day of school life. So much so, I confronted the child’s mother (bad idea). I also contacted the school principal, as well as the poor teachers who had to endure this child’s abusive behaviour. Some teachers talked, some did not. I had my say to the principal. After five years of complaining and only after I threatened to lay assault charges against the child and the school, did the principal promise to “protect” the other children from the bully.

The “protection” was in the form of hidings, when ever he misbehaved… The principal had to break the law, to protect the many others, because children and people these days have more rights and are above the law.

Now, many years later, at high school, the problems at the school are much worse, and the kids get away with murder. The teachers, governing body and any plaintive’s hands are tied. The law is the law, and with some parents of today (I call us the “obedient parents” generation, as we listen to our children, and we gave time out, instead of what we got, a good old hiding”) thinking their little “angels” are innocent, and can never do anything wrong.

Society’s problems are: no one is liable, every one gets a second chance…. (just look at all the jail pardoning every year) and everyone has done a “good job”, there is no more first, second and third place, just a good job for participating.

We are creating monsters, and we are the ones allowing it to happen. Our generation will unwillingly have to reap what we sow now. We are becoming a nation, happy to accept mediocrity (just look at our government departments Eskom, municipalities, the post office etc.).

If we don’t teach our children right from wrong at home, where it is learned and suppose to be taught anyway, I am afraid for our future.We will, as old and frail pensioners, be abused and disregarded by the very children we are raising now.

Mother of bullied child

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