
Don’t be so quick to judge

I am urged to comment on this story as I felt really disappointed at how judgemental people can be!

I do not know the woman nor her circumstances thus I can’t speak on her behalf or condone what she did. I also understand that the neighbours cared about the well-being of the child, but did anyone ever offer help to this woman?

Instead of calling the police the first and the second time, why did they not approach the woman and offer to look after the child? As neighbours, do they even have her name or number?

What if she is in trouble and starting to rebuild her life, away from an abusive partner, and needs a helping hand but don’t know who to trust as she is always being judged? If they had offered help and she refused, then by all means, call the police and child protection as that is indeed intentional child abuse!

Let us not judge a situation we do not understand and act all heroic. Know your neighbour, have their number, learn their names and offer help when you feel it might be needed, invite the little girl to play with your children.

That is the right thing to do.

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