Unresolved conflict harms your health

You need to deal with and manage stress as it can be detrimental.

As human beings, we are unfortunately not born with a user’s manual, we must figure ourselves out as we live and for centuries, this process has, for the most part, been flawed.

I am saying this because it’s been without any evidence or data to prove it. One example of this fault is that ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks’.

This has been proven to be incorrect based on evidence and data from studying the brain using these advanced technologies. As a neuroengineer, I’m all about helping people transform from mental darkness to mental light.

Mental darkness is about self-sabotage caused by a lack of self-understanding. Mental light is about reaching your full potential because you understand how your brain works and how to manage its functioning.

One of the important skills to develop is to deal with and manage stress, chronic or unresolved stress, in particular. The weight of the unresolved conflict harms your health.

I think everybody can identify with a situation in their life where there’s been a conflict at the office that they’ve taken home, complained about for a couple of hours to their partner or friend, or on social media. Returned the next day and talked about it in the hallway being frustrated.

If you think of how your body felt, how your stress levels felt, how you slept when that was going on, that’s an impact on our wellness.

The other problem is that when that is a once-off, then it’s not too bad, it becomes stress that gets resolved and you move on. When it’s chronic, however, it gets our bodies in a state where that stress response is chronically activated. What that means is that the body gets flooded with stress hormones that become toxic.

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