
The Bag Lady

Companies and schools are collecting water to send to the Cape. We are also doing it from our offices in Alberton. Phone 011 724 7000 for more information.

Happy Valentine’s Day – enjoy a ‘love-ly’ day.

I wish I could have sent some of the heavy rain we’ve been experiencing to the Cape. I don’t know about you, but every time I run the tap, flush the toilet or water the garden (in the specified times) I feel guilty that I’ve got water on tap, so to speak! Our office is collecting water, as I see many other companies and schools are doing. It’s a wonderful gesture and will help to alleviate, at least a little, some of the water shortage.

Smart shopper

Last week I received an email from Caron, saying: “I assist the elderly with lifts and shopping and was first made aware of a problem some of them are experiencing with their Smart Shopper points from Pick n Pay. One of my pensioners lost R350 of her Smart Shoppers points, and she was devastated and she said there was no communication from Pick n Pay that this was about to happen.

“I know when you first sign up for a Smart Shopper card, on the application they ask how can they communicate with you. Julie, the elderly don’t have computers and many don’t have cellphones. Surely Pick n Pay could have put up big posters in their Pick n Pay branches advising clients that this was going to happen. It’s disgusting of Pick n Pay to do this to their customers. Three of my pensioners have lost their points already, can you please help with this issue?”

A few weeks ago I was in Pick n Pay and I also queried my points I’d got from last year, and I was told by a manager to phone the Customer Care Line on 0800 11 22 88 and advise them I wasn’t aware of this and ask if my points from last year can be added to my points for this year. This I duly did, and waited for ages, and eventually when I pressed the number (I thought I needed for help), I still didn’t get through to a person.

I can imagine how upsetting it must be for the elderly. I will try and get some comment from Pick n Pay, if I can speak to the correct person. In the meantime, have any of you experienced a loss of your points and do you know what to do? Please email me at so I can pass on your advice through my column.

I suggest in future you use all your points saved regularly, then you won’t lose them. Maybe every three months, then at least you’ll pay less for your groceries that month. It all helps!

In season

Veggies – baby marrows, mielies, green beans, asparagus.

Fruit – all the berry fruits, apricots, nectarines, avocados.

Bouquet of the week

Elizabeth King gives a bouquet to a Woolworths staff member. “This morning I had the pleasure of shopping at Woolworths New Redruth branch and the even bigger pleasure of being served by Ayanda Khoza, who very kindly helped me by unpacking my trolley of purchases onto the counter top. After the transaction was done she then kindly put the two bags filled with my purchases into the trolley and guided the trolley out of the narrow space between the two till points. Sincere thanks and compliments to Ayanda. No wonder Woolies is my favourite store!”

That’s it for this week. Shop till you drop!


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