
Inside Report with Basch: What an entertaining week

Hasn't this just been a week of entertainment? It seems as if our esteemed president has proven yet again that numbers are not his strong point.

It’s no wonder that our economic outlook is bleak, or is it really? Well it all depends on how you read the numbers really.

The most worrying factor is that our dear president has been courting the Russians over the nuclear deal, which by all estimates will be in the region of one trillion rand. Now the same man who can’t tell the difference between 1.2 million and a 100 million is brokering a deal for one trillion. Why does this sound like a truly bad idea?

In other news, the summer has arrived in a blaze of blistering glory. The heat wave that hit us should serve as a warning of what is to come. By all accounts it is going to be a hot, scorching summer. This naturally brings up our water supply issues. Already in areas in Ekurhuleni there have been warnings of low water pressure due to the above average use of water for garden irrigation, the filling of pools etc. Hopefully we will not experience water shedding like load shedding. But please take precautions, stay hydrated and use sunblock because the sun is a frenenemy that gives you vitamin D and then burns the hell out of you right after!

Closing off this week are the WITS university students protesting against the proposed tariff increases for next year. To them I say, welcome to adult life. I know it’s not fair and I understand the pressure of it, believe me I understand. Globally student debt is a huge problem with many a young person starting their careers with mountains of debt. It doesn’t make sense and is counter intuitive. We want an educated workforce but then make it extremely difficult for young people to become educated. However look on the bright side, at least you could still become president.

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