
Inside Report: So what now?

SONA has ended; everybody has had an opportunity to have his or her say. The punch-ups are over, so what now?

ALBERTON – I can say one thing about the State of the Nation Address; it definitely ignited the average people’s interest in politics. Maybe not the President’s actual speech, but certainly the shenanigans and discourse within Parliament. Not since the Oscar trial have I heard so many people discussing one topic, especially politics. With everyone having his or her own opinion over what should or should not have happened. One thing is clear, people are interested in parliament and politics.

I would be hard pressed not to acknowledge the EFF’s role in this. It seems that their place in parliament is as a disruptive force that unnerves the ruling party, but that’s about it. They may make some good points, but overall their thing is chaos. The problem with chaos is that it’s chaotic. Unstable, volatile and we cannot live or thrive in an unstable environment. That and the massive hypocrisy of Julius Malema, who owes SARS money asking for the President to pay back Nkandla money.

Now in my mind, the winner of the SONA battle was surely the DA parliamentary leader Mmusi Maimane. He clearly showed that he has a firm grasp of the problems that we face as a country. His clear, sharp and direct way of dealing with the President was the mark of a great statesman. Now I know that I am supposed to have a party bias here, but put that aside. Looking objectively at the man I am impressed by his articulate response to the president. He is in my mind fast becoming a potential leader of the DA and a foreseeable presidential candidate.

This makes me happy – once again not because of the party, but because of the man. We need a person who isn’t afraid to say what needs be said, but from a place of knowledge and understanding. This juxtaposed to the ramblings of other members of the house, it is clear that in Mmusi we can see the future of our country. If he is an example of new South African leadership, I am excited to see how many other young bright minds are standing on the sidelines waiting to be discovered. This man gives me hope that one day, when we are past the Zuma regime, we may again reclaim the greatness that is South Africa.

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