
11 Things women need to know about men

As a man I am still trying to figure out a few things about the woman in my life, my lovely wife Noma.

I love her so much to not let her know what I think and this has really assisted us in building greater intimacy and friendship in our home.

So ladies here is what men want you to know about them:

1. Men are not mind readers – Men are not like Jesus, so give them a break, most times they will never know what you are thinking except you tell them. Now a lot of women expect men to figure it out, tough luck, this may just affect your relationship negatively.

2. Men do not think shopping is a sport – If shopping was an Olympic sport women will always win the gold medal and create several world records. Unfortunately men don’t see it that way, the sad part of it is some women compete among themselves to see who is the better shopper or has the best shoes or clothes. It’s good to shop, but be modest, don’t buy what you don’t need to impress people you don’t like.

3. Men think crying is blackmail – some men think you have been crying since you were a baby, now as an adult you should stop crying :-)…I am talking about tears of manipulation not tears of pain. It is good to express your emotions through crying but make sure you aren’t using it as blackmail.

4. Men want you to ask for what you want clearly – Don’t give semi hints, strong hints, bold hints or angry hints. The male specie wants you to be clear. Remember your wish is his command so why use 40 years to get to the promised land when you can do it in 40 days.

5. Men want you to expect a solution when you come to them with a problem – So be sure you need a solution and not sympathy when you present your problem to a man. His ability as a problem solver kicks in immediately. But if you want sympathy, I suggest you speak to your girlfriends (My wife is going to crucify me)

6. Men think your headache lasts too long! Now that’s a problem you must see a doctor for if your headache is legit and not an excuse to deny him legal access to sex!! I am speaking to married people here and preparing singles with “license” to have sex.

7. Men expect that anything said 7 days ago is null and void – why bring up issues from 10 months ago during an argument? Come on, your memory is better than ours, it’s like cheating in an examination.

8. Men want to you know that if something they said can be interpreted in two ways and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, they meant the other one – moral of the story is to always see the flip side of the coin.

9. Men think explorer Vasco Da Gama didn’t need directions when he sojourned around the African continent so why are you acting like a GPS? – truth be told women have a better sense of direction than men, but hey, let him get lost for a bit, it’s fine because he will still get you to your final destination – 3 hours later though.

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