
Alberton North is a disgrace

I don't often get to drive through Alberton North, but what a shock it was to drive through the streets the other day when business took me in that direction.

I cannot believe the state of the suburb – it is a complete disgrace. The once beautiful and clean area, which holds so much of Albeton’s history, seem to be falling apart.

Streets are dirty, stands are overgrown, sidewalk mechanics are visible all over the place – not even to mention all those hanging around in the streets, and I bet not all of them are hanging around with good intentions.

Then there is the unfinished building in Pieter Uys Avenue near Parklands High School. Speaking of unfinished business – I am also sure that if the Metro goes through the trouble of actually investigating, they will find hundreds of illegal structures in backyards in this area.

Business in this area must surely be suffering as a result of the deterioration of the area. It is a shame that once proud little suburb of Alberton is now lost to many unwanted elements in the streets.

Come on Alberton – is it not time that we take our streets and suburbs back? Where is the metro when it comes to enforcing the bylaws forbidding sidewalk businesses? Why can’t we see visible policing being done in this area?

Will the powers to be ever take note and eradicatethe the wrongs from areas such as these?


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