Brackendowns SAPS focus on mental health

This generous contribution will play a vital role in ensuring that every furry resident receives the nutrition they need while awaiting their forever homes.

Life Brackenview did a workshop at the local police station to educate the staff about common cognitive distortions, such as all-or-nothing thinking, over-generalisation and catastrophising.

This helps them understand how these patterns can influence their perception and affect their daily lives.

The facility’s clinical psychologist encouraged participants to consciously replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations or constructive statements.

Life Brackenview hosted a workshop to create awareness about the importance of mental health at Brackendowns SAPS.

Stressing the importance of regular practice in challenging negative thoughts so it becomes a habitual response.

In conclusion, a positive mindset can help officers manage the stress of high-pressure situations, leading to better decision-making and reduced burnout.

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