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Creative Academy celebrates grandparents with fun and festivities

Grandparents are a delightful blend of laughter, caring deeds, wonderful stories and love.

Creative Academy Preschool and Baby Centre celebrated all their wonderful grandparents and all the incredible things they do for their families, on September 6.

The morning was spent in the garden where hands were painted, and a mess was inevitable. Praise and worship music played in the background, delicious snacks were eaten, and various games were played such as fishing, frog catching, finding insects, paper boat making, and cupcake decorating.

Shavnte Eekhout with grandparents Esmerelda and Berno Steenkamp.

“We had a fun-filled day where each grandparent received a beautiful card made by their grandchild as well as a gift,” said principal Sara Gomes.

“ Our grandparents made special memories with their grandchildren and left our school feeling loved and valued,” Principal Tarryn Botha said.

Adam Able, granny Susan Adam and grandad Unoos Adam.

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