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Revival City shows compassion for Mandela Day

Learners, parents and the staff of Revival City College showed much-needed support when they observed Mandela Day.

Revival City College learners, parents and staff supported Mandela Day by donating to the less fortunate.

They donated blankets and clothing items to the McBride Street street ministry outreach, dog and cat food to the Alberton SPCA, and cleaning products, non-perishable foods and toiletries to the Cosmos House Orphanage.

Natalie Louw, the school principal, said that since the slogan for Nelson Mandela International Day for 2024 is a return to Madiba’s words, “It is still in your hands to combat poverty and inequity.”

Learners and staff with the house mothers of Cosmos House. Photo: RCC

The school was inspired to make a difference.

She said Madiba followed in the Lord’s footsteps when He said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”. (Matthew 25:40 NIV)

The learners with Senny van den Oever, the co-ordinator of the McBride Street street ministry. Photo: RCC

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