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Equal Education opposes nomination of corruption-accused Zizi Kodwa to parliamentary committee

Kodwa faces corruption charges relating to allegations that he received more than R1.6m in bribes linked to influencing the awarding of government contracts.

Equal Education (EE), a civil society organisation, opposes the nomination of corruption-accused Zizi Kodwa to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education (DBE) in parliament.

Kodwa resigned as sports minister after the National Prosecuting Authority charged him with corruption.

In a press release, Equal Education said: ā€œEE strongly condemns the nomination of corruption-accused Kodwa to serve as a member of the DBE portfolio committee, given its significant responsibilities in scrutinising the DBEā€™s strategic planning and overseeing the appropriate spending of the departmentā€™s budget and the role it plays in guarding DBEā€™s spending and its plans.ā€

Portfolio committees are housed in parliament and their members are appointed from among members of parliament (MPs). These committees are tasked with dealing with departmental budget votes, overseeing the work of a department, and considering new laws (bills).

ā€œIt is incomprehensible that an individual currently out on bail for corruption charges has been entrusted with this role,ā€ added the EE.

Kodwa faces charges of receiving direct payments (bribes) and luxury accommodation worth over R1.6m paid by and/or facilitated by Mackay as gratifications for his interventions in government procurement processes to advance the interests of Mackay, TSS and EOH.ā€

Despite this, Kodwa was sworn in as one of South Africaā€™s 400 members of parliament who make up the National Assembly (NA).

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