SADAG highlights battle against addiction

South African Depression and Anxiety Group is observing Substance Use Awareness Day, marked annually on June 26 to strengthen action and co-operation in achieving a world free of drug abuse.

While observing Substance Use Awareness Day, SADAG is coming together with a shared commitment to educate on substance use and its impact on people, families, and communities.

The day, marked on June 26, serves as a crucial reminder of the ongoing battle many face against addiction. It underscores the importance of education, support, and intervention in creating pathways to recovery.

“Through our collective efforts and dedication, we want to create an environment of compassion, understanding, and hope, empowering those affected to reclaim their lives and build brighter futures. Join us in raising awareness, breaking the stigma, and making a difference in the lives of countless individuals who need our support,” SADAG stated.

Helpful resources

On this week’s Facebook live Ask The Expert, SADAG will be on ‘Exploring Different Options for Substance Use’ with their expert, Professor Charles Young, a professor of psychology and a clinical psychologist.

“If you want to understand substance use better and find out the various options for treatment and support, join us at 13:00 on June 28 on our Facebook Page. Visit to join,” it stated.

Whether you or someone you know is struggling with substance use or are looking for advice on how to help a loved one, friend or colleague, SADAG will assist. SADAG, in partnership with the National Department of Social Development’s 24-hour Substance Abuse Helpline (0800 12 13 14), offers free telephone counselling, information and referrals nationwide.

SADAG’s dedicated counsellors are there to listen, support, and guide you toward the appropriate resources and treatment options. They could support through psychologists, social workers, hospitals, rehabs, outpatient programmes, local NGOs and support groups.

“No one should face these challenges alone. Help is always just a phone call, an SMS or a WhatsApp away. Anyone can reach out to us anytime, day or night, and take the first step towards recovery and healing,” SADAG stated.

Contact the Substance Abuse Helpline on 0800 12 13 14 (24 hours), SMS 32312, or WhatsApp the Ke Moja Whatsapp Chatline on 087 163 2025 (08:00 to 17:00) or visit the Ke Moja Facebook Page for help.

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