Practical science learning at Southampton Private Academy Alberton

Learners understand science better when it is applied with practical work.

The Southampton Private Academy will teach its learners science through practical work. The school hopes this will develop their laboratory skills, science knowledge and real-life science work.

Leaners are said to understand more science concepts when allowed to discover things themselves, be it human anatomy, the environment or the universe.

American-born astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson once commented on a science question he said parents often asked him: “I am often asked by parents what advice I can give them to help get kids interested in science. I only have one bit of advice, get out of their way. Kids are born curious, period.” he said.


“I don’t care about your economic background, I don’t care what town you are born in, what city, what country. If you’re a child, you are curious about your environment,” added deGrasse Tyson.

With its science laboratories, Southampton Private Academy hopes to instil a sense in learners to want to discover more.

The Southampton Private Academy leaners wear laboratory coats.

Learners get placed in scenarios that force them to think out of the box while trying to solve a scientific problem and behaving in a manner that replicates the actions of real-world physicians and scientists.

Laboratory activities appeal to learners in a way that allows them to learn easily. Learners also engage in the learning process and gain confidence if they want to pursue scientific studies after school.

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