Celebrating culture and creativity at Junior College Castillian’s annual Eisteddfod

Junior College Castillian recently hosted its much-anticipated annual eisteddfod, a celebration of poetry.

The eisteddfod aims to build confidence among the participants, by providing a supportive platform for them to perform in front of an audience.

The event commenced with a warm welcome from principal Elriza Riddle who highlighted the importance of such cultural events in nurturing creativity and confidence in young minds.

“Our eisteddfod is more than just a competition. It’s also a wonderful opportunity for our children to gain confidence and poise from an early age.”

Matteo Di Giovampaolo and principal Elriza Riddle.

Children of various ages took to the stage, each reciting their poems with passion and poise, many of them taking the stage for the first time. Their performances were met with warm encouragement and applause, reinforcing the event’s goal of building confidence from a young age.

“The quality of the poems and the performances today has been truly impressive,” commented judge and principal, Laverne Machiridza.

“It’s heartening to see such young learners expressing themselves so beautifully.”

Jonathan Wald having the time of his life on stage.

Each learner received a certificate. Riddle emphasised in her closing remarks that every participant was a winner for having the courage to stand on stage.

“In a world where technology often overshadows the art of spoken word, events like the eisteddfod remind us of the timeless power of poetry and the joy it brings to both the speaker and the listener.

Troy Rowe and principal Elriza Riddle.

“Junior College Castillian’s eisteddfod not only celebrated young talent but also fostered a deeper appreciation for the written and spoken word, ensuring that the tradition of poetic expression continues to flourish among the next generation.

“Moreover, by including and encouraging the youngest participants, the event successfully nurtured confidence and a love for performance from the earliest stages of education.”

Mika Maduraimathu and principal Elriza Riddle.
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