Occupations day at Junior Colleges Castillian showcases diverse careers

The little ones at Junior Colleges Castillian had an exciting and educational day filled with activities when they met the friendly Fox Security team and the local police department.

One of the highlights was meeting police dog Billy, a loyal companion and official officer, complete with a serial number and badge.

During their time with the police officers, the children learnt valuable lessons about staying safe. The officers taught them about stranger danger and how to recognise and handle unfamiliar situations.

Sergeant Lindi Moloi with Luca Ducie, Gia-Bella Cardose and Zion Daniels.

They also emphasised the importance of knowing the emergency number to contact the SAPS in case of emergencies.

The children also received guidance on firearm safety, with the officers telling them that guns are not toys and they should never play with them.

The entities reminded the children not to consume items unless given to them by trusted family members, ensuring their well-being and health.

In addition, the officers discussed safety around electrical plugs, the dangers of handling cleaning agents without supervision and the precautions to take around fire hazards and pools to prevent accidents.

The officers let the children look at the police vehicles and even sounded the sirens, making the children shrill with joy along with the sirens.

Overall, the activities were fun and exciting, giving the children the knowledge and skills to keep themselves safe and secure.

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