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New Alberton SAPS sergeant hits ground running

Newly appointed officer Sergeant Nkosifikile Ntsendwane, who recently joined the Alberton Police Station, is determined to instil renewed enthusiasm and strong work ethics.

Sergeant Nkosifikile Ntsendwane, a newly appointed Alberton SAPS officer with the force since 2008, is determined to fight crime.

He goes on a new adventure after getting a position at the Alberton SAPS. He started work at the station in April.

He said his love and enthusiasm for fighting crime led him to where he is today, given that he has worked for at least 15 years as a police officer.

“From the beginning, my goal was to combat crime in our communities and make SA safer for everyone. My desire for the Alberton community is that we, the police, and the community work together to combat crime in our communities. My door is always open for locals who need help with unresolved issues. If we work together, we can accomplish much in Alberton,” Ntsendwane said.

He said it is often the locals who are eyewitnesses or have information about a crime happening in the area. So, it is critical to notify the SAPS as soon as possible because it could prevent many things from happening.

Ntsendwane’s tasks include investigating, collecting and analysing evidence to help prosecute cases successfully and ensuring work is completed at Alberton SAPS.

“The day I took the oath was the day I took responsibility for ensuring our communities and locals are protected from crime, and this has been my motto – that I made a vow and will honour it until released from my duties,” said Ntsendwane.

Ntsendwane previously worked at the Khayelitsha SAPS in Cape Town.

He said Khayelitsha is more dangerous than Alberton and believes it would not be difficult to combat crime in the area.

The Alberton SAPS has welcomed him with open arms.

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