Play crossword/puzzle games to stimulate your wellbeing

It is crucial to keep your mind engaged. Puzzle games/crosswords are one way for an individual to keep their mind active; these games can help one's mind improve significantly.

In today’s fast-paced world, we hardly have the time to occupy ourselves. People are normally put off by the prospect of starting a new TV series or reading a three-book novel because of their hectic daily schedules; the same is true for playing a puzzle game, which typically requires a lot of time and focus, which most people lack.

Mini puzzle games that can be played throughout your work or school commute appear to be a terrific way to pass the time while also challenging your brain.

The popularity of games like Wordle, Wardle, and related variations helped to enhance tiny puzzles. Most people tend to prefer a short challenge that is easy to solve and does not ‘eat’ up too much of their time.

Here are some reasons why to play puzzle games more often:

Improved memory

Solving puzzles strengthens existing connections between our brain cells. It also encourages the formation of new relationships. This, in turn, boosts brain quickness and cognitive processes.

Puzzles are extremely effective at improving short-term memory. Our short-term memory allows us to retain shapes and colours while also visualising the broader picture to determine which pieces will fit together.

Improved problem-solving skills

The capacity to think creatively and critically is highly recognised in the workplace. Puzzles help us acquire all of these essential talents.

Puzzles force us to explore several techniques to solving a problem because there is a lot of trial and error involved. We also learn the importance of developing theories, testing hypotheses, and shifting our perspective when things don’t go as planned.

All of these talents can be easily translated to our professional lives, making us more innovative and adaptive employees.

Improved visual-spatial reasoning

When solving a puzzle, we must examine each component and determine where it fits into the overall image. Doing this on a daily basis helps us strengthen our visual-spatial reasoning.

Improved visual-spatial skills aid in daily chores such as driving (parking, change lanes), packing, and determining the capacity of boxes, bags, and car trunks. Visual-spatial skills are essential for professionals in industries such as architecture, engineering, chemistry, art, and surgery.

Increased IQ

Puzzles strengthen our memory and overall reasoning. So, it should come as no surprise that one of the other advantages of puzzles is that they help us improve our IQ (intellectual quotient).

One University of Michigan researcher discovered that people’ IQs could increase by four points after playing puzzle games for 25 minutes every day.

Delay dementia and alzheimer’s

Even if you don’t want to improve your IQ, solving puzzles can help delay the symptoms of dementia and alzheimer’s disease.

According to research, keeping the mind active through puzzles and other problem-solving activities might prevent brain cell damage in Alzheimer’s sufferers. It also promotes the development of new nerve cells and enhances their connections.

Researchers have also discovered a link between the number of years someone has spent solving puzzles and their probability of developing Alzheimer’s. So, the sooner you incorporate puzzles into your daily routine, the better. It is never too early to begin safeguarding your brain.

Improved mood

Another advantage of puzzles is that they stimulate our brains’ creation of dopamine.

Dopamine, a neurotransmitter, controls mood and optimism. Furthermore, it has an impact on memory, concentration, and motivation.

Dopamine is released whenever we successfully solve a problem, even if it is only one piece in the appropriate spot. This motivates us to keep working on fixing problems and challenging ourselves.

Lower stress levels

Puzzles are both challenging and relaxing.

When we solve puzzles, our brains switch from a “Beta,” or awake state, to a “Alpha” state. The Alpha state is similar to the one we experience when we dream.

This shift in consciousness has numerous benefits, including the ability to connect more deeply, enhance thinking, reduce stress, improve mood, and boost confidence.

Increased attention to detail

When trying to solve a puzzle, attention to detail is essential. You must train your eyes to recognise subtle distinctions in colour or shape in order to fit everything together.

The capacity to pick up on little details is useful in all aspects of our lives, particularly at work. When we are more specific and precise, the quality of our job rises.

Increased productivity

When we are happy and less anxious, we find it simpler to concentrate. When our concentration improves, our productivity naturally increases.

If you’re having trouble staying focused at work or school, try taking a little pause to solve a puzzle and reset your brain.

Many workplaces are beginning to add puzzles in their break rooms. These puzzles allow employees to take their minds off work for a few minutes and then return refreshed and ready to work!

Better collaboration

If you need another reason to incorporate puzzles into your office, inform your manager that they have been shown to increase collaboration among coworkers.

Yale University researchers discovered that allowing people to work together to solve puzzles improved their connections and ability to cooperate to complete a goal.

Information from Madd Capp

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