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Alberton SAPS team win in Excellence Awards

This year’s SAPS’ annual Excellence Awards ceremony boasted several categories, which saw members of Alberton SAPS reign supreme for the Ekurhuleni District.

The SAPS held its annual Excellence Awards ceremony where members are awarded for their excellence in the workplace.

The awards are divided into three categories Vispol, detective service and support service.

The members compete at the district level and proceed to provincial and then ultimately at the national excellence awards, where they are selected as the best of the best in the country.

The Alberton Criminal Information Management and Analysis Centre (CIMAC) and the Management Information Centre (MIC) entered as a team in the admin team of the year category (support service).
They were named winners for the Ekurhuleni District, which consists of 39 police stations and various other units.

The Alberton team then came second on the provincial level out of 144 police stations and various units.
Alberton SAPS station commander was pleased with the result and motivated his members to strive for excellence.

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