Creative Academy celebrates Secretaries Day

Creative Academy expressed its gratitude to the remarkable women who drive its success.

In a heartfelt celebration, Creative Academy paid tribute to the women who played a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the academy on September 6.

On Secretaries Day, the academy expressed gratitude to these unsung heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes.

According to Jenna Axsel, the academy’s director, the women are the backbone of Creative Academy, handling a myriad tasks that often go unnoticed.

“From organising schedules to co-ordinating events, managing correspondence and overseeing day-to-day operations, they are the ones who keep everything on track.

“Their dedication and hard work are instrumental in maintaining the high standards that Creative Academy is known for. They are the ones who ensure every detail is meticulously attended to, contributing to the academy’s continued success.

“Despite their critical roles, these women often don’t receive the recognition they deserve. Secretaries Day provides a special opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate their tireless efforts.

“To the ladies who are the left and right hands of Creative Academy, who keep the behind-the-scenes work flawless, and who contribute to the sanity of the institution, happy Secretaries Day. Your contributions are invaluable, and you are the unsung heroes that make Creative Academy shine,” said Axsel.

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