Junior Colleges Castillian pre-school celebrates Women’s Day

In a spectacular and inspiring exhibition of creativity, teachers at Junior Colleges Castillian prepared a special event to mark Women's Day and the release of the new Barbie movie.

Teachers at Junior Colleges Castillian organised a unique celebration to honour Women’s Day and the release of the new Barbie movie in a stunning and uplifting display of creativity on August 9.

These educators captured the attention of their young kids by dressing up as real-life Barbie dolls and conveying an important message of empowerment and equality.

According to the school’s principal, Elzira Riddle, they saw a chance to commemorate Women’s Day and the legendary toy’s enduring legacy in a distinctively fun way.

“We wanted to create a memorable experience for our little learners, one that encourages them to dream big and believe in themselves. Barbie has always symbolised limitless possibilities, and we aimed to bring that spirit to life,” said Elzira.

JC Castallians teachers celebrating Women’s Day.

Parents and guardians were enthralled by the imaginative celebration.

The preschool teachers inspired young minds to embrace their individuality, trust in their potential, and, like Barbie, create an enduring impression on the world by fusing the excitement of the film with the significance of Women’s Day.

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