Local news

How do you deal with load-shedding and power outages?

The Alberton Record took to the streets to ask locals on how they deal with load-shedding and constant power outages.

Jordan Chitsulo: “To deal with Load-shedding my family and I light a lot of candles in the house .”
Divashni Govender:” We use generators at our house and we use invertors as backup. “
Samuel Makwakwa:” When there’s Load-shedding, I use a paraffin stove and light candles .”
Johannes De Beer:” I use solar panels and make sure to look at the schedule and make sure I do everything on time. “

Neo Magasa

Neo Magasa is a Strategic Digital Marketer, Hypnotic Copy Writer, Project Manager and Consultant in Online Marketing for Global & Nationwide Media Organizations.

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