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Officers go beyond the call of duty

Long-time partners, Officer Yul Liesering and Officer Quinton Steenberg were recently awarded Gold Cross for Bravery medals in recognition of their loyal service and bravery.

Local officers Constable Yul Liesering and Constable Quinton Steenberg saved the lives of two managers who were targeted in a hit and as a result, both constables suffered life-threatening gunshot wounds.

Born and bred in Alberton, Steenberg, along with his long-time partner Liesering, who at the time worked for the EMPD SWAT team, showed great courage and were awarded for their deeds.

These officers received information from crime intelligence and immediately acted on the information to prevent the possible fatal armed robbery that was planned by the suspects.

EMPD Municipal Police Commissioner Isaac Jabulani Mapiyeye presented medals in recognition of loyal service, bravery, outstanding service and commendable service to various officers.

This was during a medal parade held in Kempton Park, during which Steenberg and Liesering were recognised.

An act of courage

A Wadeville company notified local SAPS that they had received a threat that two of their managers were supposed to be killed for firing a former employee for theft.

“We gathered information and then decided to meet the people at their company. We confirmed that the hit was that morning, and we then told the two managers we weren’t going to allow them to drive their own vehicle because it was too dangerous. We then drove the managers’ vehicles and just behind us were our colleagues also driving a company car,” explained Steenberg.

As they reached the next traffic light, he said they saw a red Corolla and realised that those were the robbers. The officers then jumped out of the car and a shootout ensued.

The shooting incident, which took place in the early hours of September 26, 2013, resulted in a number of suspects being killed and arrested.

During the gun battle, a SAPS member, Warrant Officer Shakil Rasool, died on the scene.

Gold Cross for Bravery

“Steenberg got shot in his left arm and leg and one bullet got into the bulletproof vest. When I fell down my partner continued firing shots to keep them away. I got shot 12 times in the process while Steenberg got shot three times. We were later airlifted to the hospital,” explained Liesering.

Medic Michael Callow was also presented with a commendation medal for responding to the call and not hesitating to provide lifesaving medical assistance to critically injured officers.

Recovery took a long time for the two officers – eight months and two years respectively.

Following the incident, five suspects were nabbed on different charges.

“We both started in the police force many years ago, so it’s a passion and not just a job. We have both been in the police force for three decades and have been partners for a good 16 years. We joined the EMPD in 2004. Together, we have made high-profile arrests for terrorism and other major crimes across the city,” Liesering said.

The duo said being an EMPD officer comes with its extreme highs and lows and that it was their strong passion that brought them back to the force to serve and protect the community.

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