Hard work pays off

Congratulations, Tyla Rae Grundling, on your remarkable accomplishment.

Creative Academy Preparatory was proud to celebrate the incredible achievement of Tyla Rae Grundling, who recently graduated cum laude from Varsity College Sandton with a bachelor’s degree in foundation phase education.

Her dedication and hard work paid off, marking a milestone in her academic journey.

Jenna Axsel, the director of Creative Academy, said she admired Tyla’s achievement and acknowledged the effort invested in obtaining the qualification.

“This is an incredible achievement, and we have the greatest respect for the hours and hours of work that went into a qualification like this. Teacher Tyla is yet another fully qualified staff member at Creative Academy, maintaining our service excellence,” said the director.

Tyla reflected on her journey to reach this point and expressed gratitude for realising her dreams.

“I am grateful that my four years of hard work and perseverance finally paid off. What an amazing feeling. Studying throughout Covid-19 presented me with an unmatched set of challenges and many sleepless nights. However, it was all worth it. I feel blessed and privileged to have the opportunity to carry out my dream daily,” said Tyla.

Her achievement is a personal triumph and a testament to the powers of dedication and determination.
Creative Academy Preparatory took pride in Tyla’s accomplishment because it showcased the calibre of teachers at the institution.

Tyla’s qualifications further contributed to the school’s commitment to excellence in providing quality education.

“As we celebrate Tyla’s achievement, let her journey motivate all the students at Creative Academy and beyond. It is a reminder that hard work, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of dreams can yield incredible results,” she concluded.

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