Learners receive safety lessons

The Alberton Stars Private School learners were thrilled to be taught safety measures at their New Redruth school.

As part of community involvement, Kempton Park’s Sec Pros took turns to give safety demonstrations to the learners at Alberton Stars Private School.

The team spent the morning teaching children how to keep themselves safe in an emergency.

Little Emanuel with Wian Maritz (Sec Pros).

The general safety demonstrations included how to keep safe in case of a fire, who to contact in an emergency and other important information on how to keep themselves safe.

As they watched in excitement, the learners became familiar with using a fire extinguisher and putting out a fire.

Sec Pros’ Nico van Wyk, Wian Maritz, Michelle Cromhout, William Nell (director), Maureen Groenewald and Margaret Marais.
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