LettersLocal news

Alberton Cemetery in a sad state

Safety at the cemeteries due to their state is also a huge concern.

I am disgusted by the way the cemetery in George Road looks. This is a health risk and dangerous to the residents staying in the area as people go in at night and sleep in the long grass.

There is only so much we as residents can do to try and keep our neighbourhood clean and safe.

Grass is grossly overgrown, tombstones have been vandalised and people who cannot find their loved ones’ graves are just some of the problems experienced by visitors to the cemeteries.

Last year they made a paving for people to walk on, but now it is full of grass and rubbish. There are a lot of rats and mice and a very unpleasant smell.

The cemetery is a safety risk and looks untidy.

Linda van Zyl – Florentia.

Comment received from EMM regarding the Alberton Cemetery:

The city would like to apologise for the poor condition of the cemetery and reassures the residents that steps are being taken to ensure that appropriate maintenance takes place.

As of April 5, the contractor has been on site and the city anticipates that the maintenance of the cemetery will be completed by April 14 for this cycle.

The priority of the city is to ensure that all of our cemeteries remain in a respectful and ordered state, and that visitors can reflect and remember their passed loved ones without any distress.

“We do apologise again for any distress caused and thank you for your patience,” said spokesperson Zweli Dlamini.

The Alberton Cemetery is in bad shape.

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