
Operations management in supply chains

This is an in-depth look at what the role of an operational manager entails and how they affect the supply chain.

In the age of digital transformation, companies, industries, and even countries alike are undergoing mass change and transformation on both a large and small scale to try to keep up with the ever-changing times and compete in a rapidly changing market. With daily advances in technology and software that helps businesses streamline their operations and processes, it’s more important than ever before for businesses and individuals to adopt an adaptive and agile approach to everything they do. This will ensure that they are not blindsided by change and are ready to adapt to the new way of doing business.

Living in this age of digital disruption comes with many challenges that affect industries across the board, and unless major changes are implemented within a business, a business may fall victim to the disruption happening around them and be made redundant. The individuals responsible for implementing this change are the operations managers.

So how can operations management help fortify supply chains in the age of digital transformation? Here is a closer look at what the role of an operational manager entails and how they affect the supply chain.

What is operations management?

Operations management involves everything from planning, implementing, and supervising the production of goods and services within a company. Operation managers oversee the day-to-day activities of the teams involved to ensure they meet their deadlines and produce quality work throughout the process.

Technology plays a vital role in operations management as it is the catalyst for change and allows businesses to streamline their operations to become more efficient and profitable. The operations manager is the driving force behind implementing new systems and processes, and it is their responsibility to lead the business through the age of digital transformation so that it may thrive in this ever-changing time.

Operation managers are responsible for streamlining operations and processes within a business to meet business goals and stay up to date with the ever-changing advances within their industry. The other major responsibilities of an operations manager are:

  • Planning and implementing manufacturing plants.
  • Managing projects.
  • Planning information systems.
  • Optimising workflow processes.
  • Helping to design and develop products and services.
  • Managing inventory throughout the supply chain.
  • Managing delivery to customers in a timely manner.
  • Optimising quality control.
  • Conducting procurement and purchasing.
  • Managing logistics.
  • Managing transportation and distribution.
  • Managing and maintaining facilities.
  • Forecasting industry trends and product quantities needed for future production.
  • Capacity planning.
  • Optimising resource allocation.
  • Eliminating waste within the supply chain.
  • Continuously improving business processes.
  • Executing a company’s strategic plan.

As you can see, the role of an operations manager is of vital importance as they are the ones at the forefront of implementing any and all changes in workflow and operations.

How to fortify the supply chain

When it comes to fortifying the supply chain, operation managers will need to adopt a curious and agile approach to doing business in order to thrive in this ever-evolving business environment. Adopting these approaches will help both operation managers and businesses to secure their spot in the current business climate and prepare them for what’s to come.

Diversify your supply chain

In the current business climate, companies are either failing to keep up with the times and paying the price for it by closing their doors, or they are stepping up to the challenge and thriving because of it. Being dependent on one supplier could cause a company major issues in the future if that company is one of the ones to close its doors.

To fortify your supply chain, it’s best to have a few potential suppliers in the running of the business in case of any worst-case scenarios. This way, you will ensure that you will be able to keep on producing your goods or services no matter what happens to your suppliers.

Invest in digitisation

Digitisation refers to the adoption of innovative digital technologies that help streamline business operations to achieve greater efficiency and scalability in supply chain logistics. These innovative technologies include:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Surface-Mount Technology (SMT)
  • Blockchain platforms
  • Among others

These advancements in technology will help companies rapidly adapt in the age of digital transformation and secure their spot in their industry for years to come if implemented swiftly and effectively. Investing in digitising your business will go a long way in ensuring that you’re on your way to fortifying your supply chain and keeping you competitive in the rapidly changing market.

Develop an adapt-or-die mindset

This has been an advantage for years, but now it is a necessity in order to keep up with the rapid growth of industries and advancement in technology. Developing an adapt-or-die mindset on both a cultural and business level will help businesses to quickly and efficiently adapt to any and all changes that may come their way and provide them with the necessary mindset to thrive in the digital age. One of the best ways to fortify your supply chain is to get comfortable with the chaos and uncertainty that comes with living in the digital age.

Stay up to date on innovation trends

It’s vital to stay up to date with the current trends as advancements are happening every day, and if you miss a beat, your business could pay a dire price for it. Take the time to read the latest industry news and upskill yourself by signing up for an online operations management short course, such as those offered by the University of Cape Town, to get the tools and resources you need to always stay ahead of the curve.

The role operations management plays in fortifying supply chains

As  already seen, operations managers are responsible for the entire production process, from the initial planning right through to the final delivery of the product or service. It is their responsibility to implement the latest and most efficient processes within a business to create a more efficient and profitable operation process. They are the ones responsible for fortifying supply chains, foreseeing future trends, and ensuring the smooth production of all goods and services.

Final words

When it comes to fortifying supply chains, operation managers are at the forefront of this as they are responsible for implementing the most efficient business processes and operations within their organisation. Having an experienced and technologically savvy operations manager will go a long way in helping businesses, regardless of the industry, fortify their supply chains and, in turn, bolster their bottom line.

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