Robertsham Callies Football Club’s education initiative

Robertsham Callies Football Club is not just about soccer; it's about empowering youth through education and sports.

In the heart of Johannesburg’s South lies a beacon of hope and opportunity, where soccer transcends the realm of sports and becomes a catalyst for education and empowerment.

Robertsham Callies FC, an NPO, is not just about developing exceptional soccer players, it’s about shaping futures and transforming lives. With an unwavering commitment to its players’ holistic growth, the club is constructing an Education Centre that promises to open doors to academic success, breaking the cycle of limited opportunities and unfulfilled dreams.

From grassroots to greatness

Robertsham Callies isn’t just any football club, it’s a thriving community of diverse talents and backgrounds. Drawing players from the surrounding neighborhoods of Robertsham and even as far as Soweto, the club stands as a testament to the unifying power of sports.

Priding itself on fostering talent, the club has a remarkable track record of developing professional soccer players. But, Robertsham Callies recognises that not every player’s journey will lead to a professional football career.

Work on the Education Centre is underway.

Understanding that education is the key to unlocking a world of opportunities, the club is embarking on a transformative mission that goes beyond the confines of the pitch.

A gateway to change

According to Victor Rainho, chairperson of Robertsham Callies Football Club, education is the cornerstone of personal and societal progress.

“We firmly believe that while soccer may be a passion, education is the foundation for success. Many of the club’s players come from generations that haven’t had the chance to complete their matriculation or pursue tertiary education. The lack of resources and academic support has perpetuated a cycle of limited academic achievements in South Africa.

“In response to this pressing issue, we are constructing an Education Centre that will provide players with the tools, resources and support they need to excel academically. This center will serve as a haven where players can receive assistance with homework, access extra lessons and find the mentorship necessary to excel. By nurturing academic achievement, the club aims to create a generation of well-rounded individuals ready to tackle the challenges of the world,” said Rainho.

A collaborative effort for a brighter future

Realising this ambitious vision requires collective effort. The Robertsham Callies FC acknowledges that it cannot do it alone.

“Community members and corporate partners are invited to join hands in this transformative endeavour. The community’s support is not only an investment in the players’ future but also a commitment to change the narrative of education in South Africa.

“Covenant College, a Christian private school in Rispark, Johannesburg South, has already taken a profound step towards this vision. Through a generous donation that covered a significant portion of the Education Centre’s construction costs, Covenant College has exemplified the power of collaboration and social responsibility. Their dedication to holistic development aligns seamlessly with Robertsham Callies’ mission, highlighting the potential for positive change when like-minded entities unite,” said Rainho.

Changing the world, one education at a time

Nelson Mandela’s words resonate profoundly: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Robertsham Callies Football Club is heeding this call, stepping beyond the boundaries of sports and into the realm of empowerment.

“By combining the passion for soccer with a commitment to education, we are nurturing dreams, dismantling barriers and creating a brighter future for the youth.

“As the Education Centre takes shape, we envision not only improving academic outcomes but also paving the way for tertiary education and sustainable employment opportunities.

“This ambitious journey towards transformation beckons the community, corporations and individuals to unite and invest in the potential of young lives,” said Rainho.

For more information, contact Victor Rainho on 082 544 2003.

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