The world is their oyster

All these two dedicated and deserving young girls need is some financial help to make a once in a lifetime opportunity a reality.

Sometimes a once in a lifetime opportunity comes your way and you will pull out all stops to make that your reality.

However, these opportunities also come along to those who do not always have the financial means to make these dreams come true.

Eighteen learners from Grace Trinity School for Girls recently participated in the regional round of the World Scholars’ Cup (WSC) and performed exceptionally well.

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They secured 128 medals and 10 trophies with all six of the school’s teams qualifying for the Global round in Prague in August this year.

These young girls will have the opportunity to share the academic stage with scholars from more than 50 different countries and will compete with more than 3 000 scholars from around the globe.

The World Scholars’ Cup is a competitive forum where candidates debate current global issues, engage in collaborative writing while challenging current affairs and test their knowledge in six curriculum areas.

This year the theme is ‘A World Re-renewed’ and should you wish to view the full curriculum, it is available at

Pay it forward
Along with this rigorous academic schedule, there are financial commitments to such a journey. “All costs of this tour fall to the parents.

“These include flights, accommodation, meals and delegate fees. We will be travelling to Prague and Istanbul and the total cost for this trip is R45 000, excluding personal expenses,” explained Lauren Swan, principal at Grace Trinity.

A deposit of R15 000 for each delegate, to secure their places, needs to be paid in full by June 3.

Moms of Willemi van Coller and Kaitlyn Govender, Cornia van Coller and Tarryn Govender explained that the short notice to raise the initial R15 000 for each of their daughters caught them on the back foot.

“I am prepared to host as many fund-raisers as I need to, to make this possible for Willemi but this is not possible with just about a week’s notice,” explained Cornia.

“We have until August to raise the rest of the funds but the initial deposit is a real problem,” she said. “I am also aware that we are all living in challenging times and that we are all trying to stay afloat but I cannot lose anything by asking.

“Willemi has faced many challenges in her short life, that most people don’t experience in a lifetime. This opportunity will give her the ability to share and pass on knowledge with compassion.

“I am extremely proud of Willemi and will go out of my way to make sure that she will be able to go to Prague … it is just the deposit we need assistance with and we will be forever grateful for any donation to make this trip possible,” Cornia said.

Tarryn said: “As parents, we would love to send Kaitlyn to represent her school and South Africa but due to the short time frame until they need to leave for Prague we are appealing for help in covering her costs.

“Kaitlyn is a diligent, hard-working child that strives for the best in everything she does. As a parent, we are so proud of all of her achievements and accomplishments. If ever there is a deserving young lady it is her.

“She is now on this path, and if we don’t back her, by all means necessary, what else is there to do but give your children the best opportunities that we didn’t have,” Tarryn said.

Both moms agree that should more than needed to be raised for their two daughters, they will gladly allocate it to any other girl who may also be in need.

Here is how you can help
“Your partnering with our WSC delegate will afford her an opportunity of a lifetime. She will glean skills crucial to compete in the world as a confident young lady.

“Should you be able to assist with sponsorship or a donation for a learner, we would publicize your ‘partnership’ in all our school media, at our fundraising events, on our travel kit and at the South African stand which we are hosting at the global round,” said Lauren.

All contributions need to be paid directly into our school’s bank account.

Grace Trinity School for Girls banking details:
Standard Bank, account number 021 299 382, account type – Business Current Account, branch is Key West, branch code 015 841 and branch code for electronic payments 051001. The Swift address is SBZA ZA JJ
Please ensure that you use the following reference: WSC plus the name of the candidate.

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