
Attempted hijacking on Swartkoppies Road fails

After attempting to hijack an undercover JMPD officer, the hijackers escaped.

Francois Jansen, operations director from Fox Security, urges motorists to be extra vigilant when driving on Swartkoppies Road and Kliprivier Road at night.
This warning comes after five armed suspects attempted to hijack an undercover JMPD officer who was on the side of the road waiting for other members on Swartkoppies Road on January 10.
“The officer shot the suspects before they got away,” said Jansen.
According to him, it is important to warn motorists against the increase in hijackings.
Report any form of crime to Fox Security on 011 867 3770.

Safety tips when driving at night
• When driving, vary the routes you take to work and back if possible and try to limit your travel at night
• If you sense you are in danger, use the panic button on your tracking device or contact your armed response company
• Limit distractions, such as checking or talking on your cellphone when walking to or from your car
• Avoid driving with windows open, keep the doors locked and lock valuables out of sight. Install smash-and-grab window protection if possible
• If you suspect you are being followed, make a couple of false turns. If someone is still following you, drive to the nearest police station
• Leave enough room between you and the car in front of you to avoid being boxed in
• Slow down in such a way that the light is green by the time you reach a traffic light, especially late at night
• When you’re out and about, choose parking spots that are well lit and open, try not to park next to anything large that could obstruct your view (think walls or big cars) and don’t walk between cars
• Check your route. It’s always a good idea to thoroughly research a route before you drive somewhere new, especially if you’re going to be driving at night. Make sure you’re comfortable with the areas you’ll be driving through and think about how safe you’d feel if you broke down somewhere along the way. Always choose the route that feels safer, even if it’s longer.
And of course, whatever happens, never pull over. Rather drive to the nearest public space or alert emergency services if it looks like someone else needs help
• Carry a power bank. In the age of the smartphone, running out of battery power isn’t just an inconvenience, it means you’re cut off from help if you need it. Invest in a small power bank and charging cable to keep in your handbag and make sure that a low battery won’t ever stand in the way of you feeling secure
• Parking lots and driveways provide an opportunity for criminals. Have everything you need at the ready before you get to your driveway – this is not the time to be scratching around in your bag for your keys
• If you feel uncomfortable for any reason, do whatever you need to do to feel safe and secure. Whether that means saying no to someone asking for directions, driving around the block five times to make sure no one’s following you or shouting for help, you shouldn’t think twice about taking action for your protection. Don’t worry that people will think you’re overreacting or being rude – your safety is the priority, not other people’s feelings.

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