
Looking for our local heroes

Your nomination gives your local hero a chance to win!

How often have you thought somebody needs to be honoured for the good work they do in our community?

And then two days later the thought may have slipped your mind.

However, this time round all you have to do is give that thought wings, so to speak.

We all know there are plenty of community heroes out there, and they sure do not all wear capes. No, they are ordinary residents like you and me and they make a real difference in the lives of others.

The Alberton RECORD and West Pack Lifestyle want to honour and reward Alberton’s heroes. Those people who value their community and live by Ubuntu, putting the needs of others first.

You rub shoulders with these people doing good in our community daily. Those who in their own small or big way, give of themselves, pay it forward and make a real difference.

And no, we are not looking for celebs. We are talking about the ordinary man on the street who live their own life but who also always have the time to step up and say ‘I am available, I will help’.

Think about those who run soup kitchens, care workers, animal lovers, people who brave all sorts of circumstances to reach out to the less fortunate – people and animals alike.

We are looking for NPO workers, frontline workers, mums and dads, teenagers, teachers and business people who have touched the hearts of the less fortunate.

Those who care about our environment through clean-up campaigns and educate people about wetlands and fight for the preservation of nature.

Oh, and let’s not forget – four-legged heroes may also be nominated.

Through your nomination, you put your hero in line to win an R1 000 West Pack Lifestyle voucher to spend however they wish.

By nominating your hero you also assist us to create a platform for our local heroes to leave their legacy behind.

How to nominate your hero

Share the story of your hero by nominating him/her as the RECORD/West Pack Lifestyle Hero of the Month.

Email your full name and contact details and the full name and contact details of the person you are nominating to Carina van der Walt at and include a motivation about your hero in the email.  This motivation may not exceed 200 words.

Please use July Hero of the Month in the subject box.

July entries close at 12:00 on July 23.

Once a winner has been chosen, our very own legacy liaison, Simphiwe Malunga, will track the winner down and get the full story to be published in the RECORD.

Important to remember

• The hero you nominate must live in Alberton.

• Your entry must include a motivation of no more than 200 words.

• The winner will be selected by our Caxton Local Media team.

• The winner must be prepared to be interviewed and photographed for the RECORD.

• This first call for nominations closes at 12:00 on July 23.

Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Carina at or phone her on 011 724 7000 or 083 411 7146.

We are eagerly awaiting your nominations and meeting Alberton’s unsung heroes and share their amazing stories with our readers.

Alberton Hero Form

Hero of the month

Name of nominee

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