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Alrode steel company enriches youth with skills

Veer Steel Mills recently inducted a select local group of 171 learners for the 2021 portable skills development course.

Alfeco Group’s ferrous metal’s division, Veer Steel Mills, recently inducted a select local group of 171 learners for the 2021 portable skills development course.

This was done in partnership with two non-profit companies focusing on skills transfer, namely Imisebenzi and Nhlanhla PS Holdings.

It was also made possible through the partnership of a training authority body, MerSETA, which focuses on the metal sector.

The learners will undergo various work-readiness programmes, including internships, learnerships and apprenticeships at the Group’s Alrode plant.

Thabile Lukhele, training manager at Veer Steel Mills, said the training programme, which is in partnership with MerSETA, spans for three years.

Siphiwo Mbeje is ready for his production technology learnership. Photograph: Supplied.

She said the programme was established to allow work-related practical exposure and training opportunities to the unemployed youth to create employment.

“To take South Africa forward and make our country globally competitive within the metal sector, our youth require extensive skills training.

“The learners will be trained in administration, electrical, fitting and turning, mechanical, general engineering, metallurgy and production technology,” she said.

According to Lukhele, the new in-take could not have come at a better time as youth month was on the horizon in the country.

Production technology learnership participants on induction day. Photograph: Supplied.

“In commemoration of youth month, we are doing our part in building the next generation of a young, skilled workforce. We are mindful that investing in the youth is paramount to the growth of the steel industry, manufacturing and the country,” she said.

Learners are said to benefit by receiving a stipend for the next 12 months while enhancing their skills in the immediate working environment.

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