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Why we need the CPF

“Our main focus is to be the eyes and ears of the police.”

The Alberton Community Policing Forum (CPF) is a body created in the SAPS constitution to be a link between the police and the community.

“We are not a security company, but we do work in cooperation and conjunction with the Alberton SAPS and security companies in the Alberton area,” said chairperson Pieter Schreiber.

“All neighbourhood watches must fall under the CPF as in the Constitution of the SAPS and need to register and report to the CPF.

“CPF men and women are concerned citizens living in and around Alberton who have a passion to serve their community by volunteering their time and resources without compensation, to patrol our neighbourhoods to make a difference in reducing crime.”

ALSO READ: CPF chairperson shares his goals for the Alberton community

Curb criminal activity

“Our main focus is to be the eyes and ears of the police and report any criminal activity to the police and security companies, either by using our CPF radio network, WhatsApp groups or directly to the police. However, we do assist the police in operations where extra manpower is needed.

“We also pass on all relevant information gathered from the community to the police to help curb criminal activity.”

According to Schreiber, the information gathered is from residents on their area-specific WhatsApp groups or via their CPF emergency phone and by people who have contacted them via their Alberton CPF Facebook page.

“Our patrollers have all been vetted by the SAPS (we are the only community organisation that does so) and are issued with CPF patroller cards.

“When funds are available we provide training, such as crime scene management and crime scene preservation. This ensures that when our patrollers hand over the scene to the police, the evidence has not been contaminated.”

ALSO READ: CPF chairperson shares his goals for the Alberton community

Interested in joining

Residents can join their CPF radio network by purchasing an appropriate two-way radio that is Icasa approved and filling out the required forms so that they can tune your radio into their frequency.

Albertonians can also join one of their WhatsApp groups that have emergency services on them, such as local security companies, medical services and CPF patrollers. The aim of these groups is to assist and cooperate and help one another to combat crime and make a safer community for everyone.

There are monthly CPF sector meetings.

Sector 1 is Alberante, General Alberts Park, New Market, New Redruth, Raceview, Randhart and South Crest.

Sector 2 is Alberton North, Elandshaven, Florentia and Verwoerdpark. Leondale, Leondale Gardens, Phumula ext 21 and 22, Rondebuilt ext 2 and 23, Roodekop ext 25 and 31 falls under sector 3.

Dates and times of meetings are usually communicated over the radio network, CPF WhatsApp groups and posted on the CPF Facebook page.

ALSO READ: CPF chairperson shares his goals for the Alberton community

“We do fund-raisers to collect money to pay for our radio frequency, training and other running costs, but any donations are much appreciated and can be made to the following bank account: Alberton CPF, FNB with account number 62385756162 and branch code 250942.”

If you would like to join the Alberton CPF or to become a patroller and require more information, call them on 076 105 0859 or send an email to info@albertoncpf.co.za

The Alberton CPF team with their volunteers.

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