Alberton Camera Club’s September winners

This month's winners were Ben Botha and Hennie Viljoen.

ALBETON Camera Club introduces the winning photos for September.

The winners this month were Ben Botha with his photo Lek and Hennie Viljoen with his photo titled Refleksie.

Alberton Camera Club invites all photographers to visit the club and possibly join.

They create a platform to submit your photographs for judging and listening to the judges’ comment.

It also create a bragging opportunity to showcase your work to fellow photographers and so learning from one another and ultimately improving your capabilities.

The club has a judging night every first Tuesday evening of the month and a “shatter chatter” night every third Tuesday, where training will be given on pre-determined topics on Photoshop.

They gather at 7pm at Hoërskool Alberton on du Preez Road in Florentia, Alberton.

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