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Vandals throw rocks at the windows of Silwerkroon flats

Anyone with any information can contact Don on 073 776 1276 or Alberton SAPS on 011 861 6800.

OVER the last couple of months Silwerkroon flats have had the misfortune of being targeted by a group of youths who have shot out windows in seven tenants’ flats with a slingshot.

The last incident was on February 25.

“Most of the windows are large expanse sheets of glass which are extremely expensive to replace. Our block of flats is all occupied by elderly people with limited financial resources. From what we can gather the attacks are being mounted from Winnipeg Street and the method used is either a slingshot (kettie), pellet gun or both,” said Don Jansen, chairperson of management at Silwerkroon.

These attacks are being perpetrated during the evenings and early hours of the morning. The breaking of the windows is in its third month with a report having been made to SAPS in December for the first time with SAPS docket reference 558/12/2018.

On February 26 the contractors finished replacing the broken windows.

“I am going to ask the Lord for the protection of the angels by praying Psalm 91. In the meanwhile, I am circulating a flyer which urges residents to be on the lookout for these vandals.

“We are prepared to put together what money we can which we will offer as a reward to the person who provides information that leads to a successful prosecution.

ROCK: Vandals threw rocks at the windows of Silwerkroon flats.

“We view these acts of vandalism in a very serious light,” said Don.

According to him, these actions are totally irresponsible, absolutely unacceptable, and placing the elderly residents in danger of sustaining an injury through shattering glass.

Anyone with any information can contact Don on 073 776 1276 or Alberton SAPS on 011 861 6800.

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