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WATCH: Every good reason to exercise

All aspects of your body improve in addition to the obvious, like your skin.

EXERCISE is important for may reasons, many of which you may not be aware of.

You may hear some lazy person say, “Who wants to live longer, prolonging the suffering of old age?”


Here’s the thing: A longer life would be an added bonus, but it’s all about quality of life.

• When you exercise, your body starts to function more and more optimally as you get fitter.

• Extra fat puts a lot of strain on your joints as the body was not designed to be able to take all that extra weight, and because there is a lot more tissue to supply blood to, the heart has to work extra hard, putting strain on the important organ.

• Obesity is a massive risk factor for developing heart disease, strokes, diabetes and much more.

• You pay a lot more for medical insurance if you smoke and/or are overweight.

• Exercise releases endorphins, the ‘feel good’ hormone, and has been shown to be an effective treatment for depression sufferers.

• All aspects of your body improve in addition to the obvious, like your skin.

• Exercise even improves cognitive function and memory.


Look, let’s be honest, when you’re fit you look and feel good and other people notice that, which you notice in return, which makes you more confident which leads to more looking and feeling good – it’s a beautiful thing.

So, no more excuses, get off your butt and move – there are no down-sides, and the only thing standing in the way of your being a stunner is you!


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