Man survives hail of bullets in Eden Park

He had gunshot wounds to his arms, hands, both legs and two in his lower back.

A MAN who was shot several times on February 2 at about 9pm on the corner of Peterson and Jackson Streets survived the hail of bullets.

“The police were summoned to a shooting scene where the driver of a vehicle was shot by an unknown person who fled the scene.

“When the SAPS arrived they found a white Polo Vivo with the driver next to it, facing upwards. He had gunshot wounds to his arms, hands, both legs and two in his lower back. The car doors were all wide open. Paramedics rushed the victim to Thelle Mogoerane Hospital,” said Capt Vusi Mhlophe.

“The circumstances surrounding this shooting is a real puzzle. We don’t know what to make of it. If it was a hijacking, why so many shots and why did they leave the vehicle behind?” said Mhlophe.

The case is being investigated and police are waiting for the recovery of the victim to get more information.

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