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Removed fence sections pose safety threat

"Building the wall with the steel structures and the gate has cost me a lot of money and now I have to start again."

ON September 27, thieves targeted a granny’s house in Borgward Street, Eden Park. The thieves stole steel portions of the fence, leaving gaps that have now become easy access points to the property.

Every home owner is concerned about the safety and security of their families. Walls, either bricks or steel palisades, are erected around the property to keep thieves and dangerous thugs out. But then, a foolish and senseless thief comes along and steals the fence.

Read: Three dead after shooting in Eden Park

“Why are they doing this to me?” asks the granny, Anne Smith (72). “I have done no harm to anyone. Building the wall with the steel structures and the gate has cost me a lot of money and now I have to start again. When I went to bed on Wednesday night after locking the gate, my fence was still intact. But, when I went outside on Thursday morning, some steel structures were gone. I really don’t know what to say. They could be coming back for the rest of the fence,” she explained.

Also Read: Eden Park couple arrested for possession of CAT

Steel gates and fences are stolen daily in Eden Park. It is commonly known that drug addicts sell the material at the scrap yards to support their habit. The thieves are causing pain and grief within the community on a daily basis.

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