Yet another burglary in Eden Park

Residents are convinced that nyaope addicts are behind all the burglaries

RESIDENTS in Eden Park are asking themselves: “Is it a curse or the increasing demand for drugs by the nyaope addicts which has sparked the continuous and increasing number of burglaries?”

The Morris family left their house, at the corner of Abraham and Hillman streets, locked and intact on Tuesday, November 15, when they departed for work and school.

In a matter of hours, however, their home was burgled and their possessions stolen.

“When my daughter returned from school, at midday, both doors were wide open. The back door and the burglarproof gate were broken,” said Melanie Morris.

‘The thieves stole my plasma television set, jewellery, cellphone, house and car keys, all the meat in the ‘fridge and R500 cash.

”The break-in must have been committed between 09:00 and 11:00.”

She added that her neighbours were targeted the previous week.

A case of burglary is being investigated by the Eden Park SAPS.

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