Baby Luciano needs help in his fight against a brain tumour

With his mother and father both being self-employed, an appeal is going out to the community to help raise much-needed funds.

LOCAL couple Phillip and Tania Dias from Alberton face a heart-wrenching situation with their baby boy Luciano.

Little Luciano, aged one year and nine months, is fighting a brain tumour and was operated on three weeks ago today. He then had to go back into theatre last week as the wound was leaking cerebrospinal fluid.

This means that Luciano’s radiation has been delayed. Philip is self-employed and the situation has a great impact on the family financially and an appeal is going out to the community to assist where they possibly can with donations.

If anyone is able to make a much-needed contribution, the banking details are as follows: Luciano, Capitec Bank (The Glen), account number 148 689 8708, branch code 470 010.

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