Clean Cities Project cleans up wetland

On Friday, May 20, the Clean Cities Project, headed by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM), did a clean-up of the wetland area behind the Newmarket Mall.

ON Friday, May 20, the Clean Cities Project, headed by the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM), did a clean-up of the wetland area behind the Mall at Newmarket.

The project started off around 09:00, under the watchful eye of Ward Councillor Bruna Haipel and other EMM officials.

Large brush-cutters were required to cut the very long grass and weeds growing in the area, followed by some litter removal, as there was an immense amount of trash strewn about, as well as spots used to make fires.

It took several hours to make a noticeable amount of progress and at the time of the RECORD’s arrival at the end of the day, the are looked a lot better than the state it was in prior to the intervention of the Clean Cities crew.


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