JSPCA Craft Market

If you have some homemade goodies to sell then join in the Craft Market

THE Johannesburg SPCA will be hosting a fete and invites you to be a part of it.

If you have some homemade goodies to sell such as paintings, sculptures, pottery, jewellery, wood- and metalwork, textiles, gifts and preserves then join in the craft market on Saturday, June 25 at the Johannesburg SPCA at 5 Benray Road, Reuven from 09:00 to 13:00.

If you are interested in having a stall at the craft market then contact Jolene at pr@jhbspca.co.za or 011 681 3600 to make a booking (food stalls are welcome). Stalls cost R150. For more information visit www.jhbspca.co.za

Courtesy: JSPCA Public Relations

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