Truck gets stuck on electrical wires and rip down pole

One pole broke, landing across the street with exposed live electrical wires

A TRUCK delivering building material to a customer ripped off electrical wires and broke down a street lamp pole on Monday, 14 March in Cortina Street, Eden Park.

Residents, who asked not to be named, alleged that the tipper truck offloaded sand and as it moved forward, it hooked the overhead electric cable connected between the two street lamp poles. One pole broke, landing across the street with exposed live electrical wires. “We feared for our children who were about to return from school,” one resident said.

One resident contacted EMM’s electrical department, who immediately responded and dispatched workers to move the broken pole and cut off live wires.

Residents reported that by Thursday, 17 March, they were still waiting for the repair work to be done and the piece of plastic covering the live wires on the broken pole to be removed and fixed properly to ensure the safety of children and residents.

EMM has been contacted for comment.

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