Eden Park residents have no pride

Residents continue to dump on vacant stands in Eden Park.

EVERY vacant stand and church property, especially those on street corners, have become a dumping site for most ‘don’t care’ residents.

“People are purposefully dumping their rubbish anywhere without feeling ashamed. I despise the residents who hire people (mostly nyaope addicts) for R10 to empty their dustbins on the nearest corner, regardless of whether it is rubbish collection day or not. How can one dump rubbish when the collection truck is in the area?,” said one of the angry residents who does not wish to be named.

“I don’t understand how people, doing this, can blame the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) for the dumping problem if they choose to dump any day and anywhere and not ensure that their rubbish is put out on the collection day, every Thursday.”

But other residents who blame EMM say that they take their bins out on Thursdays. “These are never emptied because the trucks don’t arrive. We do this again on a Friday and Saturday and sometimes even on Sundays hoping EMM will arrive to empty the bins,” another resident said.

“What makes matters worse is that when the rubbish truck arrives on Sundays, it arrives when people are attending church services. The collection truck, as reported by many, travels at such a high speed that many can’t make it out in time with their heavy bins. Come Monday, the ‘nyaope boys’ and residents do their dumping while dustbins are being stolen and sold in Phola Park.”

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