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Adopt – don’t shop

Many people think the SPCA only re-homes mixed breed dogs and cats, but nothing could be further from the truth.

The SPCA often gets pure-bred dogs and cats as people buy these pets on a whim and don’t realise the time and energy they require.

If you are looking for a particular breed of dog or cat, it’s a good idea to Google or check Facebook as most breeds have a specific rescue page. For example, Pug Rescue or Border Collie Rescue deal with those particular breeds and usually know where there are available dogs to adopt. Persian Cat Rescue is another organisation which can help you adopt.

Similar to the SPCA, all these breed specific organisations insist on sterilisation and home checks. They also believe in the motto, “Adopt, don’t shop”.

As Christmas approaches, many people think it’s a good idea to gift a puppy or a kitten as a pet.

Please think again. A dog or cat is for life, not just for Christmas. Buying a cute puppy or kitten from the side of the road as an example, is mostly only adding to the cruel world of animal mills where these pets are kept in appalling conditions with the sole aim of breeding for profit. Should you buy a puppy or kitten, even from a pet shop, ensure that you are given proof as to where the puppies or kittens come from, their age and whether they have had any vaccinations.


The puppies or kittens are usually taken away from the mother far too early, before they are fully weaned and often have numerous problems due to inbreeding and not learning social skills from the mother.

If you insist on buying a pedigree pet please go to a reputable breeder and ask to meet the pup’s parents beforehand. A reputable breeder will ensure the puppies and kittens have their first vaccinations and will often insist the animal is sterilised as soon as it’s old enough.

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