Get Alberton Record news instantly on Whatsapp

Join Alberton's own news publication on Whatsapp and get the latest news as it happens.

ALBERTON – The Alberton RECORD is proud to announce that as from the first week of August, news will be sent to the its readers via Whatsapp.

Sending news via Whatsapp is in addition to the publication’s ever-growing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

The RECORD already reaches over 30 000 of its audience on Facebook alone. The implementation Whatsapp is the publication’s way of growing its platforms.

The newsroom believes this new venture will bring the news closer to its readers. By sending out news alerts in the morning and later the evening, this will allow the community to stay up to date with the day’s leading news.

See image below to see how to add the Alberton RECORD on Whatsapp 

Whatsapp disclaimer

Your contact details will not be shared with any third party.

Your connection to the Alberton Record WhatsApp service (a free service) will mean that you get messages directly from our news desk; messages relating solely to Alberton Record content.

We may experience a high volume of sign-ons to the WhatsApp service, therefore you may not be added immediately (it may take a few hours).

You won’t receive messages from other community members due to the connection.

Should you change your device or cell phone number, you may have to resubscribe to this service (refer to the image above).

Please note that this is not the number to use when contacting our newsroom.

For news tips please email or send an inbox on the Facebook page. Alternatively, send us a tweet @ALBRecord or call .

Unsubscribing from the Whatsapp service is as easy as deleting our number from your cell phone’s contact list.

Email should you have any other questions.

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