Update on Tristan

Financial support, from far and wide, continues to stream in for Tristan Delport who is well on his way to fulfilling his dream of touring Ireland as part of the Arthur Johnson Invitational rugby squad.

ALBERTON – Financial support, from far and wide, continues to stream in for Tristan Delport who is well on his way to fulfilling his dream of touring Ireland as part of the Arthur Johnson Invitational rugby squad.

A further donation of R1000 was received from Mr Pierre Bekker in Dubai.

A big thank you to each and every one who has opened their hearts to Tristan and his family. Thus far Tristan has received R25 000 but he still needs to raise the remaining R15 000.

If you would like to help Tristan, send an email to his mom Jeanine Whateley at CustomerCare@fidelitysecurity.co.za or phone her on 084 554 1011.

For updates and more about this young man visit the RECORD’s website and search ’Let’s help this young man reach his rugby dream’.

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