
‘Somebody must hear us’

Residents who live in Silwerkroon flats are unhappy with their living circumstances but are unable to find anyone to listen to their concerns.

RACEVIEW – Silwerkroon residents are concerned about the public areas of the building that are reportedly not being maintained well.

Flats at Silwerkroon, in Raceview, are council owned public rental housing stock and units are designated as retirement units for pre-qualified applicants, according to the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality‘s Rental Policy.

Tenants of Silwerkroon are over the age of 60; self-caring and usually pensioners who earn less than R4 000 per month. Tenants do not own any fixed property and are not members of trusts or companies that own residential property. Lease agreements are entered into for a period of two years, prior to occupation. Tenants have the option to renew lease agreements as they expire.

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A resident who asked to remain anonymous has lived in Silwerkroon flats for three years. She states that she loves living in the quiet area, but she and two other residents of Silwerkroon have reported problems with the upkeep and maintenance of the building and pavement outside to the building’s caretaker.

Tenants in public rental housing stock are expected to be responsible for keeping the exterior and interior of their units, including doors and windows in a good condition, which is in line with their rental policy.

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The residents have escalated their concerns to EMM representatives, but have, as yet, not received satisfactory responses or feedback.

Furthermore, Silwerkroon does not have a body corporate to maintain common areas of the building and residents are frustrated by the lack of attention given to their problems.

“Somebody must hear us,” a tenant said about the current state of affairs.

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